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Temporarily relieves the symptoms of the common cold including nasal and chest congestion, runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, and cough.
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DAYTIME: Active Ingredients / Purpose: Allium Cepa 6X HPUS - watery, runny nose, cold, hacking cough, painful throat Hepar Sulph Calc 12X HPUS - cold, sneezing Hydrastis 6X HPUS - rattling, tickling cough, sinus congestion, dry, raw, sore throat Natrum Muriaticum 6X HPUS - dry cough, sore throat Phosphorus 12X HPUS - hoarse, dry cough, nasal congestion, chest congestion Pulsatilla 6X HPUS - moist cough, cold, nasal congestion Sulphur 12X HPUS - chest congestion, nasal congestion, sneezing, runny nose "HPUS" indicates the active ingredients are in the official Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States. Inactive Ingredients: Citric Acid USP, Glycyrrhiza Extract, Purified Water USP, Sodium Benzoate N.F., Vegetable Glycerine USP. NIGHTTIME: Active Ingredients/ Purpose: Allium Cepa 6X HPUS - watery, runny nose, cold, hacking cough, painful throat Chamomilla 6X HPUS - sensitive, irritable, fussy, nocturnal sleeplessness Coffea Cruda 6X HPUS - sleeplessness, restlessness Hepar Sulph Calc 12X HPUS - cold, sneezing Hydrastis 6X HPUS - rattling/tickling cough, sinus congestion, dry/raw/sore throat Natrum Muriaticum 6X HPUS - dry cough, sore throat Nux Vomica 6X HPUS - tired, difficulty falling asleep, frequent waking Phosphorus 12X HPUS - hoarse/dry cough, nasal congestion, chest congestion Pulsatilla 6X HPUS - moist cough, cold, nasal congestion Sulphur 12X HPUS - chest congestion, nasal congestion, sneezing, runny nose "HPUS" indicates the active ingredients are in the official Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States. Inactive Ingredients: Citric Acid USP, Glycyrrhiza Extract, Purified Water UPS, Sodium Benzoate N.F., Vegetable Glycerine USP
Hyland's 4 Kids Cold 'n Cough -- Children 2 years to under 6 years: 5 mL or 1 teaspoon up to 6 times per day (every 4 hours)Children 6 years to under 12 years: 10 mL or 2 teaspoons up to 6 times per day (every 4 hours)Adults and children 12 years and over: 15 mL or 3 teaspoons up to 6 times per day (every 4 hours). Hyland's 4 Kids Cold 'n Cough Nighttime -- Children 2 years to under 6 years: 5 mL or 1 teaspoon at bedtime and every 4 hours during the night or as necessaryChildren 6 years to under 12 years: 10 mL or 2 teaspoons at to under 12 years bedtime and every 4 hours during the night or as necessaryAdults and children 12 years and over: 15 mL or 3 teaspoons at bedtime and every 4 hours during the night or as necessary